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Hey there?

How do I greet you guys?

I had to search on google for ‘different ways to say Hello to your blog readers but nothing actually impressed me, so here I am being weird and nervous and saying Hello to you.

You are reading this blog mostly because I might have sent you a link with a message to check it out, or else there are slight chances that you might have ended up on this page through some google magic. If I have sent you the link, then Thank you so much for clicking on it. You are a true Gem indeed.

Let me introduce myself if you have visited my blog without my spam messages.

My name is Neha. A very common Indian Name. And Here I am, trying to share my words with the world. I am a kind of a person who seeks safety and comfort over anything.

I have no idea how this whole blog thing will work. 

I am unsure if people will visit my site and read my stuff. But I still want to write for the people, even if it is only me reading all of this. I have lived a life full of self-doubts and insecurities, and writing has been my friend since I was a kid. It helped me to survive. It led me on a path of self-discovery. I wrote about all the nightmares, heartbreaks, happy little moments, confusions in life, bad friends, family issues, and all the traumas I had been with.

 I have a bundle of sheets wrapped and hidden in my cupboard with all of these emotions scribbled. Bunch of incomplete diaries and journals. I read them once in a while and still feel that particular emotion so vividly.

I hope you may find something of yours in my stories because I know we all are the same and share the same story.

In a single line, Here I will be sharing things that might be serious or random thoughts. I will try to make it fun and exciting for you. I hope that you will tag along with me on this journey.

And if you don’t want to get spammed 3 times weekly with My message asking you to check my new blog, then let me know, or  else you may try to subscribe to Little window, and I will update you whenever my new blog is Up. (try the subscribing option because it’s free and I will make it fun for sure.) 

Say Hi to me in the comment section.

Also, Let your good friends know that Little window is Live.

Have a good week! 🙂


This Post Has 18 Comments

  1. Deep


  2. Saphy

    Best wishes Neha

  3. Zafer

    All the best

  4. Muskan Kapoor

    Hii .. all the best , keep writing 😘

    1. Keshav attrish

      All the best 👍 👌 keep writing ✍

  5. kshitiz

    love to be spamm 3 times a week 🤣

  6. Pallavi Singh

    Hi there !

  7. Vikas Dwivedi

    All the best for your new journey… with 🖊️

  8. Rohit Singh

    Hello Neha…All The Best…!!!

  9. Pranav

    Best of luck! 🙂

  10. Shilpa das

    Hy Neha,
    Good luck & keep it up❤

  11. Shivam

    Great Blog >>>

  12. Kunal

    All the best di!!!!

  13. Tanmay verma

    Great blog dii<<3

  14. Bhavishya goel

    best of luck 😊

  15. Ahsan

    Hey Best of Luck Neha.!!

  16. Sumit

    Great writing skills 🙂

  17. 💟 Karen is interested in you! More info: 💟


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