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September: A month for Suicide Prevention, 2024


September- A month for Suicide Prevention: Just like an ordinary day, I was returning from my office. I was really tired, and things were a little off. While crossing a pedestrian bridge, all I could think about was jumping from there. Don’t worry; I didn’t do it, and that is one of the reasons I am able to talk about this today. 

I am glad that I did not let that thought take over because I have come a long way in my life. However, that day, I had the worst day of my life. That feeling of giving up was so real, and if I had not snapped out of it, you know the rest. 

If you are reading this, let me tell you one thing. Every one of us has the same kind of thought at least once in our lifetime, yet nobody talks about it openly. 

So, if you resonate with this, I am sorry that you felt like giving up. However, I am proud that you made it through, and now that you are here, let’s ensure not to let anyone, including yourself, cloud our minds with the same thought.  Therefore, as people are observing this month of September- A month for Suicide Prevention, I would like to take this opportunity to talk about it openly.

Scary Facts We All Should Acknowledge: September- A month for Suicide Prevention

Suicide Prevention Awareness

Suicide has been a taboo for an eternity. People do not talk about it openly because they are so scared. Sadly, the news of suicide is always hidden by families because they think that it will attract unwanted attention and embarrassment. But do you think that a person killing themselves is embarrassing? I don’t think so.  That is why,  International Association for Suicide Prevention observes the entire month of September as September- A month for Suicide Prevention

For me, it is horrifying, and I would not want any single being to go through a horrible time where their thoughts are hanging between life and death. However, the reason people don’t talk about it enough or hide it is that no one is ready to understand that just like any physical illness, mental illness, or disturbance can be fatal. 

I have also heard people talking about the fact that those who take their lives are weak. Yes, their mind gets weak, and it becomes difficult for them to live, but to make such a horrifying decision, I must agree that it requires lots of guts and strength. And I have been there, too, so I know that the pace of my heartbeat increases whenever the thought of taking my life crosses my mind. 

Now, let’s take a look at the alarming facts that show why it’s so important to bring this issue into the open. 

Let’s Talk Facts | September- A month for Suicide Prevention

September- A month for Suicide Prevention

The moment I started researching about the suicide number in India and worldwide, I could go through more than two or three websites. It was so heart-wrenching to know that so many people lost the battle with their minds and could not make it through the hard days. 

That is why suicide is the 10th leading reason of death in countries like the USA. When it comes to India, the numbers definitely vary, but they are equally concerning. 

As per Science Direct, India’s rates of youth suicide are some of the highest in the World. Moreover, suicide rates in 15-29-year-old Indian men are estimated to be twice that of the global average, and rates in young Indian women are nearly six times as high. 

Another thing that Science Direct tried to throw light on is the fact that suicide between 13 and 29 years was because of the role played by dysfunctional relationships. At the same time, suicide by people between the age group 15–24 years old was majorly derived from interpersonal issues and emotional dysregulation. 

Now, there are so many hidden reasons as well that lead to suicide, and no one can justify these reasons. However, we can always make sure to make someone’s life less difficult so that their battles are not so heavy that they decide to end the game forever. Let this September be the month of change as we observe ‘September- A month for Suicide Prevention’.

Change The Narrative | September- A month for Suicide Prevention

September- A month for Suicide Prevention

Firstly, you need to know that every single being on earth who is breathing today has tried to kill themselves or at least have thought of doing the same. Secondly, suicide is avoidable, but often, the signs are lost in translation and missed.  

Now, the other thing that I would like to highlight is that these thoughts can cross any mind irrespective of age, gender, class, culture, and caste. 

According to the CDC, ​​suicide is a serious public health problem and has a far-reaching impact. That is why it is highly important to address this issue and make necessary changes. 

Talking about making necessary changes, why can’t we make a collective effort to save the ones who need help, including ourselves? As people are dedicating this month of September- A month for Suicide Prevention, I am sure that we are ready to find ways to save someone we love.

How To Be There For Your Loved Ones? (September- A month for Suicide Prevention)

Suicide Prevention

Being there for someone may sound easy, but honestly, it isn’t, especially when there are turmoils in your life. In that case, I always believe in just making sure that you get help for yourself first and also lend your shoulder to the one who needs it. 

Trust me; your presence can make a difference. Other than your presence, there are many things that you can do. Let me share some of them that I really believe in, and you can pick those that are helpful to you or your loved ones. 

1. Be All Ears

Legends have always mentioned the power of listening to someone whom you love. I call this a part of venting out, and it is necessary to allow people to vent out in front of you. For this, you need to make space for the other person and also make them aware that they can always come to you and share their feelings. 

Again, this needs to be done frequently because, drawing from my experiences, there have been days where I know that my friends are beside me to hear me, yet I still felt alone and lonely. 

2. Accept The Not Okay Days

This goes for you as well. The one thing that you need to do is accept the not-okay days. You cannot let one bad day take over your peace. So, just forget and move on, and for that, you need to understand that even bad days do not stay forever. Having said that, you also need to understand that people around you have bad days, so be a little kind and show some warmth.

3. Practical Help Comes Handy

Words are not enough, and that is why there must be some actions that can help someone who is fighting the hardest battles of their life. For instance, you can visit the person often and ensure that they are not alone. 

When it comes to practical help for yourself, you can follow small yet effective tasks like shopping, going to the park, visiting nearby places, and more. Just remember that there are a hell of a lot of options that are helpful. As they say, movements are important even when it comes to suicidal thoughts.  

4. Distract To Attract Positivity

One of my closest friends advised me to find some good distractions to overcome my negative thoughts. And I would admit that this was one of the best pieces of advice that actually helped me to come out from one of the darkest places of my life. 

So, distract yourself and put your energy into good things. Do not let your mind travel to unnecessary places that may kill your will to live. I always found myself listening to music (Taylor Swift) or writing something for my Instagram, and that was my way of distracting myself from negative thoughts and adding value to my life. 

5. Normalise Crying

I wish I could cry every time I was hurt. Even today, when I am having a rough day, I feel like my throat is choking, and that is because, subconsciously, I am avoiding crying. I wish that I had learned the art of crying. However, it is never too late, so next time you see me cry, don’t interrupt. Another thing that I can suggest to you is to ensure people around you are comfortable with shedding their tears and being vulnerable. And this goes the other way around as well. Make sure that you have those people who can be your safe space. 

I still remember the day when I had a terrible day, and I called my friend in the middle of work. Over the call, I cried without saying anything. I did not mention why I was breaking down, and thankfully, he did not ask and allowed me to empty myself. 

6. Do Not Dismiss Irrational Emotions

One thing that we always do is dismiss irrational emotions. However, with time, these emotions pile up and take a negative form. So, it is always better to acknowledge these emotions from the very start. However, do not accept it. Tell yourself that these thoughts and emotions are not important and are just temporary. 

7. Constant Follow Up

Keep checking on your people. Just do it. Call them, visit them, hang out with them. Constant follow-up is important. 

8. Sometimes, Avoid Giving Suggestions Or Advice

Trust me, many days, I just want someone to sit and listen to my rant without saying a word. And that is okay. All you have to do is listen and avoid giving advice because I am not looking for help but someone to hear me out without any judgments. 

Seek Some Help If Needed | September- A month for Suicide Prevention

A month for Suicide Prevention

If you feel like something is taking over your mind in a negative way, seek some help. Moreover, if you find your loved ones not being their true self and being a little off the track often, lend them your hands. The iniviative of celebrating September- A month for Suicide Prevention is again done to ensure that people are aware that suicide can be avoided.

I would also suggest you take some professional help when things feel out of hand. There is no shame if you go to therapy or a doctor to understand why your thoughts and emotions are adulterated with negativity. 

You Are Not Alone! Always remember this! I have been through this along with millions of people. We all made it through, and you will, too. 

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Tanisha

    Such a great article people actually don’t talk openly about it but it is really necessary because its about our health.

  2. Kunal Prajapati

    Nice one di, and I guess the thing which needs to avoided the most is the dismissal of irrational emotions. Saying so because from my point of view this is what happens the majority of the times.

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